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Consultant (m/f) - Improving productivity level on poultry farms

Consultant (m/f)
- Improving productivity level on poultry farms
- Reposted job advertisement
USAID/Sweden FARMA II - Description of Project
USAID and the Government of Sweden have awarded Cardno Emerging Markets USA a five-year US$18 million contract for implementation of the Fostering Agricultural Markets Activity II (FARMA II) project in Bosnia & Herzegovina (BiH). The purpose of the FARMA II Project is to create agricultural and agribusiness economic opportunities for BiH farmers and entrepreneurs. FARMA II will achieve this by assisting agricultural producer organizations to adopt European Union (EU) and international agricultural and food standards and new production techniques, produce new high value products and expand their access to foreign and domestic markets.
In order to keep the poultry sector competitive, significant efforts must be made to increase productivity and decrease cost at farm level. Basic zootechnical and biosecurity measures at farm must be implemented to ensure better quality of the final product as well as to ensure greater profitability.
Purpose of assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to support poultry companies (slaughterhouses) to provide training and technical assistance to poultry farmers and veterinarians in order to improve productivity and decrease costs at farm level. FARMA II consultant will in cooperation with representatives of poultry companies conduct trainings and provide technical assistance to poultry farmers and veterinarians in order to increase productivity at farms. The consultant will also advise farmers on changes in daily routines during the process of fattening, where needed.
The consultant is expected to perform the following activities:
- At the beginning of the assignment, perform screening of conditions (zootechnical and biosecurity principles and measures) on poultry farms in cooperation with poultry companies
- Based on the above screening, provide a draft Agenda, check lists and training materials specifically designed for the private sector, and develop short Guidelines with top 10 recommendations for improving productivity at poultry farms
- Perform theoretical as well as if possible practical trainings for farmers, veterinarians and poultry companies on zootechnical and biosecurity principles and measures in line with defined Agenda, possibly including but not limited to the following topics: animal health, animal welfare, light program, vaccination program, proper control of the ventilation, temperature, humidity and hygiene status in the facilities, feed management and feed conversion rate, water management, proper application of vitamins and veterinary drugs, manure management and flow to preserve the environment and socio-economic management of the farm resources.
- Screening report of condition of site visit poultry farms;
- Work plan and agenda of schedule of activities to be prepared with FARMA II team and nominated Poultry companies;
- Training materials specifically designed for the private sector (PPT, Brief, Leaflet, etc.) - developed and submitted;
- Check lists for control of condition (zootechnical and biosecurity principles) at poultry farm - developed and submitted;
- Guidelines with recommendations for improving productivity level on poultry farms (based on the observed situation);
- Conduct trainings for farmers, veterinarians and poultry companies described under activity, but not limited to;
- Attendance sheets, evaluation forms and photo documentation must be provided for all trainings (for each day separately);
- Timely communication with project supervisor;
- Final report on the activities submitted with results and recommendations.
This activity will increase adequate knowledge and skills of poultry farmers and veterinarians at zootechnical and biosecurity principles at farm level. It is expected that through this training and technical activities at least 200 poultry farmers, veterinarians and poultry companies will be supported.
Timing and Level of Effort
Total LOE is estimated at up to 20 days and is expected to take place between November 2019 and May 2020. The consultant is expected to undertake three trips to BiH during this period. Some on-line support may also be required during the period.
Professional experience, Qualifications and skills:
- University degree in veterinary science, agriculture science or related areas;
- At least 10 years of relevant professional experience in the veterinary or agriculture sector;
- At least 5 years of relevant professional experience in the poultry sector
- Excellent knowledge of zootechnical and bio-security measures, animal health and animal welfare on poultry farm level;
- Ability to work and deliver trainings throughout BiH;
- Excellent communication, presentation and facilitation skills;
- Good written and oral communication skills in English language is preferred, but not a must;
- Fluency in local languages is a must;
- Excellent computer skills and proficiency in Microsoft Office applications;
- Valid driving license and possibility to organize transportation to / from trainings.
This is short term technical assistance position for BiH (CCN) or regional countries nationals (TCN).
We encourage qualifying candidates to send a Cover Letter including three References and CV of 3-pages or less via option "BRZA PRIJAVA".
The closing date for the receipt of applications is September 30, 2019.
Cardno Emerging Markets USA, Ltd is an equal opportunity employer.
All information received will be treated with confidentiality.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.